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4818 RM16-32 Arable Lysimeter Review and Design Part 1 - 2015
Author(s): Dougall Gordon
Publication Date: 1 September 2016
Publication Number: 4803
Plan Change 6 (PC6) is a catchment specific change to the Hawke's Bay Regional Resource Management Plan (RRMP) to address specific water quality and allocation issues in the
Tukituki catchment. It was considered and determined by an independent Board of Inquiry as part of a Proposal of National Significance also involving the Ruataniwha Water Storage
Scheme, with the final decision being released on 25 June 2015.
Author(s): Cameron Drury, Cheal Consultants
Publication Date: 3 August 2016
Publication Number: 4795
4943 RM 17-17 Soil Quality of Exotic and Indigeneous Forests in Hawke's Bay
Author(s): Katie Beecroft
Publication Date: 1 August 2016
Publication Number: 4943
5227 Indicator M11- Change in temperature and precipitation
Author(s): Daniel Collins
Publication Date: 1 August 2016
Publication Number: 5227
The establishment of a launch site on the Mahia Peninsula by Rocket Lab, a US corporation with a
New Zealand subsidiary, has opened up the opportunity for rocket tourism in the Wairoa District with
potential benefits for the Hawke’s Bay and Tairawhiti/Gisborne regions. It is believed a welldeveloped
tourism offering will significantly benefit the Wairoa District through growth in
employment and investment, improvement to the general economy and, as a consequence,
enhanced social outcomes to an area of regional New Zealand which requires a boost in terms of
economic and social wellbeing.
Author(s): Giblin Group
Publication Date: 1 August 2016
Publication Number: 4921
5225 Indicator M13- Threatened species habitat number and status of threatened species impacted by consents
Author(s): Robert Holdaway
Publication Date: 1 August 2016
Publication Number: 5225
5226 Indicator M12- Change in protection of naturally uncommon ecosystems
Author(s): Robert Holdaway
Publication Date: 1 August 2016
Publication Number: 5226
5231 Indicator M2- Vegetation structure and composition
Author(s): Fiona Thomson
Publication Date: 1 August 2016
Publication Number: 5231
This report, prepared for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, describes a tailored statistical seasonal forecasting scheme developed for the Hawke’s Bay region. This forecasting scheme is based upon tercile probabilities i.e. what is the chance that rainfall/temperature over the next 3 months will be below normal, normal or above normal.
The dataset used in this study is an extension of the dataset used in a previous report - Relationship between Climate Modes and Hawke’s Bay Seasonal Rainfall and Temperature (Fedaeff & Fauchereau, 2015). This follow up study builds upon knowledge already established and explores different methodologies for producing seasonal forecasts tailored to the region.
Author(s): Nava Fadaeff
Publication Date: 1 July 2016
Publication Number: 4914
5 yearly SOE reporting for water quality and ecology in the Tukituki River covering period Jan 2014 to Dec 2013.
Author(s): Andy Hicks
Publication Date: 1 July 2016
Publication Number: 4788
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