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Copyright & PrivacyMana tārua me te noho matatapu

Site owner

This site is owned by Hawke's Bay Regional Council, 159 Dalton Street, Napier, New Zealand. This website is governed by the terms of use, privacy policy, disclaimer and copyright provisions of Hawke's Bay Regional Council.


Hawke's Bay Regional Council protects the privacy of our website users.

The collection, storage and use of personal information by Hawke's Bay Regional Council is regulated by the Privacy Act 1993.

If you provide personal information through this website we will only use that information in our dealings with you, keep that information secure and not disclose that information to a third party. 

We will only use your personal information if you have given consent for us to do so. You can ask for access to your information or for corrections to be made using the Contact Us form.

For more detailed information please refer to the Privacy Act 2020 or see the Office of the Privacy Commissioner's web page.

Statistical Information Collected

We use Google Analytics to collect statistical information about your visit to help us improve our website. This information is aggregated and does not identify you personally. It includes:

  • Your IP address
  • The search terms you used
  • The pages you accessed on our site and the links you clicked on
  • The date and time you visited the site
  • The referring site (if any) through which you clicked through to this website
  • Your operating system (Windows 7, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, etc.)
  • The type of web browser you use (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, etc.)
  • Other incidental matters such as screen resolution, the release of your installed Flash version and the language setting of your browser.

The statistical information referred to above will be viewable by website administrators and certain other Hawke's Bay Regional Council staff. It may also be shared with other government agencies.


This website generates persistent session cookies for the purpose of monitoring website use and enhancing service offerings. These cookies do not collect personal information. You can disable them or clear them from the web browser you are using to view this website, but this may affect your ability to make full use of the website.


Unless otherwise stated, copyright in all material on this site belongs to Hawke's Bay Regional Council.

Website visitors may reproduce, store and use the content of this website for personal, informational and non-commercial purposes only. Any material used from this website must have the source and copyright status of the material acknowledged.

Except as stated in the above, no portion of the content of this website, including text, graphics, photos and the Regional Council logo, may be copied or used without the permission of the Regional Council.  

General licensing terms do not apply to material on the website that is covered by the Flags, Emblems, and Names Protection Act 1981.  

For more detailed information, refer to the Privacy Act 1993 and its amendments or the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.


Every endeavour has been taken by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date. Hawke's Bay Regional Council [the Regional Council] shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Persons requiring information in relation to a specific query should contact the Regional Council directly. Information contained has been assembled in good faith.

Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. the Regional Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Where possible we have tried to provide links to these government agencies for further reading.

Environmental Data Viewer

To access the environmental data displayed through our mapping solution, you will need one of the following versions of an internet browser:

  • Internet Explorer (32 Bit) Version 7/8/9
  • Internet Explorer (64 Bit) Version 7/8/9
  • Mozilla Firefox (Windows) Version 3.6
  • Mozilla Firefox (Not Windows) Version 3.6
  • Safari (Not Windows) Version 4.04

Provision of science data and information

  1. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council reserves the right to change the content and/or presentation of any data at its sole discretion, including these notes and disclaimer. Use of this data is subject to these disclaimers and exclusions and by using the data the user is signifying his or her agreement to be bound by these exclusions and disclaimers.
  2. These disclaimers and exclusions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand. If any provision of these disclaimers and exclusions shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
  3. Real-time data available on the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council website are provisional, and have not been reviewed. This data may be reviewed and altered at any time, without notice.
  4. Data is collected and provided according to current best practices, which may change over time. Data that is currently collected may not be collected in the future.
  5. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council provides this information in good faith. However, the Council does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of data or warrant that the data is appropriate or suitable for the use to which it may be put by third parties. Any person using the data does so at their own risk.
  6. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, neither Hawke’s Bay Regional Council nor any of its members, officers, associates, consultants, employees, affiliates, servants, agents or other representatives shall be liable for loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, the use of, or the inability to use, the information contained in data and/or electronic files including, but not limited to, indirect or consequential loss or damages, loss of data, income, profit, or opportunity, loss of, or damage to, property and claims of third parties, even if Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damages, or such loss or damages were reasonably foreseeable.
  7. The Council accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury resulting from reliance upon or use of the data, and accepts no liability for actions taken by others based on this data.
  8. Any party accessing information from the Council on this website acknowledges that the information is official information for the purpose of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended or replaced) and that the Council is not in trade when providing data.
  9. In the event that a court or tribunal does hold that the Regional Council is in trade when supplying data and the party requesting the information is also in trade, then the Council and the other party agree that the Council will not be subject to any of the mandatory guarantees the Council would otherwise be subject to in the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (as amended or replaced) or section 9, 12a or 13 of the Fair Trading Act 1986 (as amended or replaced).


The information displayed on the GIS maps has been taken from Hawke's Bay Regional Council's databases and maps, and from third party sources. Third party sources may include Land Information New Zealand Data Service, Ministry for the Environment Data Service, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research LRIS Portal, GNS Science web services, and NIWA, in which case, unless states otherwise information is used pursuant to the Creative Commons BY INT 4.0 license.

The information is made available by Hawke's Bay Regional Council in good faith, but its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed.

If the information is being used in support of a Resource Consent application, it should be verified independently. The information provided in GIS maps is only a subset of the total information available from the Hawke's Bay Regional Council and in no way whatsoever can be used as a substitute for a LIM or PIM.

Users of the GIS maps are advised to contact the Hawke's Bay Regional Council in person to discuss any queries related to information included on any of the maps.

Rating information

Rating information is provided under section 27 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 as an online representation of the Rating Information Database. These values are set for rating purposes only. Hawke's Bay Regional Council does not provide current market values. The Rating Information Database is a public register in terms of the Privacy Act. This information is provided by your local council as a public service.

Terms of Use

Website users cannot make any alterations or changes that interfere with how the site currently works. This includes removing or adding any information, linking to another website and distributing any part of it this site.

Hawke's Bay Regional Council grants you a non-exclusive license to reproduce the contents of this website:

  • in your web browser (and in any cache file produced by your web browser); and
  • on a printout, for the sole purpose of viewing the content.

Hawke's Bay Council reserves all other rights.


The Council is not affiliated with any person whose goods or services are linked to or from the website or any linked site. The Council does not sponsor, endorse or approve of any of those goods or services.

The Council cannot guarantee that external sites are accurate or that they will operate correctly.

If you have found any broken links on this site, please report them to the Web Development Team.

You may link to this site, but permission is restricted to making a link without any alteration to the site's contents. Permission is not granted to reproduce, frame or reformat the files, pages, images, information and materials from this site on any other site, unless express written permission has been obtained from Hawke's Bay Regional Council.

Site security

While Hawke's Bay Regional Council makes every reasonable effort to keep information and materials on the site secure and confidential, the Council is not responsible for any breach of security that is out of its control. The Council does not warrant that the site is completely secure.

Social Media Community Guidelines

We aim for an informed and engaged online community, where everyone can be part of constructive conversations about the environment In Hawke’s Bay-Te Matau a Māui.

To ensure that our social media platforms are used appropriately, and all users feel it is a safe space, we expect people to follow our community guidelines:

  1. Be respectful. Please use common courtesy and do not make comments that contain offensive, profane, defamatory, threatening language or which are otherwise inappropriate in a public forum. These comments will be removed in accordance with the Harmful Digital Communications Act.
  2. Objectionable behaviour. We will not tolerate racist comments, personal attacks, hate speech or trolling.
  3. Do not spam us. Making the same point over and over either on the same or different posts is considered spam. If this happens, we will leave your first comment but hide duplicates.
  4. Stay on topic. Only make comments that are relevant to the topic or theme of the post. If you disagree with our view on something and decide to make that point every time we post, your comments will be considered spam. We will also not tolerate comments promoting or opposing any person campaigning for election to political office.
  5. Creating a conversation. We sometimes share links to third-party websites to encourage thought and discussions. This does not mean we endorse all of the views expressed on those third-party websites. We also don’t necessarily endorse the views expressed by others on our social media channels.
  6. Give credit where credit is due. When you share an interesting image or video from our page/s, please take the time to tag us or include the handle responsible for the original post.
  7. Protect your own and others’ privacy. Never post comments containing personal, identifying or confidential information such as account details or other personal information including address, telephone number, email, passwords, etc.
  8. Do not post advertisements or solicitations in our comments section.
  9. Do not use fake accounts or ‘bots’ to troll our pages.
  10. Do not tag us in profane and offensive posts. Such tags will be removed.

We reserve the right to hide comments that do not meet our community guidelines and to block users who do not follow these guidelines.

What we will do:

  • Reasons for hiding comments and blocking accounts will also include anyone who uses our channels to spread false and/or malicious information or threatens this organisation, its employees or others.
  • When a social account violates our guidelines:
    • Named and identifiable accounts will get one warning about violating our guidelines. If they repeat the behaviour they will be blocked.
    • Accounts set to private or that we deem are falsely representing themselves will be blocked without warning.
    • When blocking an account we will send one private Direct Message telling the account owner about our action.
    • If we block you from our social media channels and you think we’ve made a mistake, you can contact us and seek an explanation at

Blocked users will still be able to read content when logged out but will not be able to comment.

At the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council we work with a large and diverse range of stakeholders. We understand that there will be those who offer thoughtful criticism and we welcome that.

Our online community generally shares the intent of building a flourishing environment for every generation. While we encourage a rich and diverse kōrero to support this purpose, we acknowledge that as a Council we must strike a careful balance when sharing different viewpoints.


Disclaimers and Copyright
While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Hawke's Bay Regional Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Hawke's Bay Regional Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /