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Lake Tutira is the second largest freshwater lake in Hawke's Bay. Adjou1ing it is Lake
Waikapiro. Together they are significant regional, recreational and environmental resources.
Formed by a landslide more than 6000 years ago, the immediate catchment comprises highly
erodible, steep land terrain. It was 463ha of this terrain on the eastern side of the lakes that
Council acquired from the Guthrie Smith Trust on 17'" April1998 as a soil conservation
reserve. The purpose of the reserve is to manage the land for the benefit of the lake while
enhancing the recreational opportunities of the area. Close co-operation with the
Department of Conservation was to be a feature.
The area has a history of severe erosion which impacts on the quality and depth of the
waters of the lake through sedimentation. It also has a long history of erosion control
programmes being implemented, with few being effective.
Consultants prepared a 4 year development plan (Management Plan) for this land which was
to cover most of the major development works thought necessary at that time. This plan was
approved by Council in 1998 and was completed in 2002. Over the intervening period from
2002 to present, a maintenance regime has continued while a new development plan has
been formulated.
Author(s): Garth Eyles
Publication Date: 1 May 2004
Publication Number: 3363
3758 EMI 0316 Pekapeka Swamp Ecological Monitoring 2003
Author(s): Geoff Walls
Publication Date: 1 February 2004
Publication Number: 3758
This review has evolved over a number of years and has involved a number of Hawke’s Bay Regional Council staff with outside help from other parties.
Publication Date: 6 January 2004
Publication Number: 3374
The Hawke's Bay region encompasses a vast and diverse coastal marine area that provides a focus for many beach communities, urban residents and visitors alike.
Author(s): Jan Hania
Publication Date: 1 January 2004
Publication Number: 3500
This handbbook provides a pictorial and descriptive guide to the aquatic plants found in the Heretaunga Drains, including similar species and how to distinguish them apart
Publication Date: 1 November 2003
Publication Number: 3326
This report presents results for monitoring the recovery of a macroinvertebrate community following a significant flood event in the Kopuawhara Stream, Hawke's Bay.
Author(s): Florence Cash
Publication Date: 1 June 2003
Publication Number: 3260
This report summarises information from the HBRC Ruataniwha Plains Water Resourves Investigation 2000-2002
Author(s): HBRC Science
Publication Date: 1 June 2003
Publication Number: 3254
This report summarises the findings of an intensive bacteriological water quality survey of the contributing tributaries of the Puhokio Stream catchment.
Author(s): Brent Gilpin
Publication Date: 1 January 2003
Publication Number: 3213
In December 2000, a regime for monitoring the ecological condition and trend of the estuary was set up on contract for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council by Geoff Walls. This was done using the experience gained in establishing a similar monitoring regime in Pekapeka Swamp in 1998, and in Whakaki Lagoon, Lake Poukawa and Lake Hatuma in 1999. It also had the benefit of the local knowledge of Department of Conservation staff. Baseline surveys of vegetation and fauna were carried out at the same time.
The results of the baseline survey and monitoring establishment were reported on (Waitangi Estuary Ecological Monitoring, December 2000). A companion report provided more background information and formed a plan for ongoing monitoring (Waitangi Estuary Ecological Monitoring Plan, December 2000). Hawke's Bay Regional Council produced a management plan for Waitangi Estuary in May 2002 (Cheyne & Addenbrooke, 2002). Ecological monitoring is factored into that plan.
In late November 2002, the estuary was revisited and the monitoring carried out for the second time, to determine the ecological condition and trend after two years. This document reports on the findings.
Author(s): Dr Geoff Walls
Publication Date: 1 December 2002
Publication Number: 4967
3160 AM0211 Flood Report Kopuawhara Aug5 2002
Author(s): Craig Goodier (CPEng)
Publication Date: 1 September 2002
Publication Number: 3160
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