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The purpose of this additional study was to determine how long it took for a site to comply with the bathing beach guidelines (action level) following a rainfall event and to determine what variable correlated most strongly with the high bacteria counts observed during this period.
Author(s): Brett Stansfield
Publication Date: 1 June 2002
Publication Number: 3137
Te Awanga and Haumoana are two small coastal settlements. As a result of the input from rural and urban runoff, contamination of these prominent features has been documented since 1992.
Author(s): Graham Sevicke-Jones
Publication Date: 1 June 2002
Publication Number: 3148
Tukituki Estuary (60 ha) is where the Tukituki River meets the sea. It includes Grange Creek and all the wetlands and associated riparian margins between the lower Tukituki stopbanks for a distance of 800 metres upstream of the mouth. It is contiguous with the Waitangi -Muddy Creek wetlands. Although much of it has been modified over the last 100 years it is still ranked highly by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council (HBRC) and Department of Conservation (DOC) for biodiversity values. Previously this wetland was associated with the Waitangi Estuary wetland; hence it was not listed as a priority. Council decided it warranted a separate management plan as it covers a different river system to the Waitangi Estuary, and the Tukituki Estuary has accordingly been added to the priority list.
This non-statutory management plan has been prepared in accordance with HBRG wetland policy guidelines (Appendix 1) to guide the HBRC and the community through a five year wetland protection programme without compromising flood protection measures. The greater part of the area falls within the Coastal and Marine Area as defined in the Regional Coastal Plan. This plan is consistent with the statutory HBRC Regional Plan and Regional Coastal Plan. A further plan covering the following five years will plan for restoration and enhancement, maximising the potential of local community input.
Author(s): Garth Eyles
Publication Date: 1 May 2002
Publication Number: 3114
3759 EMI 9932 Lake Hatuma Ecological Monitoring Plan 1999
Author(s): Geoff Walls
Publication Date: 1 February 2002
Publication Number: 3759
The Ngaruroro River has a large proportion of its catchment in forest parks and the underlying geology in its headwaters is predominantly ash dominant. These catchment scale characteristics ensure the river has good water quality along most of its length during low flow periods.
Author(s): Brett Stansfield
Publication Date: 1 February 2002
Publication Number: 3098
DRAFT This report is the final report of the Sustainable Low Flow Project, initiated by the Hawkes
Bay Regional Council in 1995. The project had the specific tasks of re-assessing existing
Minimum Flows# on rivers and streams in the Hawke’s Bay region, and for the first time
defining sustainable volumes of river and stream flow available for allocation.
The report defines a sustainable approach to resource allocation by identifying the risks to the
environment and to stream users. The methodology is set against the policy background of
the Resource Management Act (1991) and the Regional Water Resources Plan (HBRC 1995).
The sustainable Allocatable Volume is defined as the difference between a management
Author(s): Geoff Wood
Publication Date: 1 January 2002
Publication Number: 3147
Waitangi Estuary (240 ha) is where Muddy Creek and the Ngaruroro, Tutaekuri and Clive
Rivers meet the sea. Much of it has been modified over the last 100 years but it is still one of
Hawke’s Bay's few remaining large wetlands and has been ranked highly by the Department
of Conservation (DOC) for biodiversity values. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC)
ranked the estuary number six for regional wetlands requiring protection and enhancement.
This non-statutory management plan has been prepared in accordance with HBRC wetland
policy guidelines (Appendix 1) to guide the HBRC and the community through a five year
wetland protection programme without compromising flood protection measures. The area
is primarily owned and managed by HBRC. A further plan covering the following five
years will plan for restoration and enhancement, maximising the potential of local
community input.
Author(s): John Cheyne
Publication Date: 1 September 2001
Publication Number: 3071
Westshore Coastal Process Investigation
Author(s): Shaw Mead, Kerry Black and Peter McComb
Publication Date: 1 September 2001
Publication Number: 3096
Proposals have been put forward to maintain more stable water levels in Pekapeka Swamp by retaining water within the swamp through the construction of low sills across the swamp. The swamp suffers from low water levels and periodic drying out during summer dry periods. Inflows into the swamp during prolonged low
flow periods become very small, while losses from evaporation and evapoÂ
transpiration (from vegetation) are especially high. Sills across the swamp would retain water in the swamp, and maintain higher water levels through dry periods. The swamp has a significant flood detention capacity, and this capacity could be maintained, or even enhanced, by also using the sills as detention dams. In this
case flood waters would be stored, because of the restricted capacity of the
primary outlet through the dam, up to the level of a higher secondary spillway.
Author(s): G&E Consultants
Publication Date: 1 August 2001
Publication Number: 3072
This report summarises the environmental investigations work carried out by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council in the Ngaruroro river over the period 1998-2001
Author(s): Geoff Wood
Publication Date: 1 August 2001
Publication Number: 3052
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