Current filter:
Once your meter has been installed, you will need to record and submit your water use data to council either manually or via automated telemetry devices installed on your system.
Once your meter has been installed, you will need to record and submit your water use data to council. If you are recording them yourself, you need to record the meter readings. If you use telemetry, records of the volumes you use will be sent to the council by your telemetry provider.
There are two ways that your water use can be reported.
If the conditions on your consent require you to report your water use by telemetry, you will need to get this installed. Here is a link to the companies that provide or install telemetry in Hawke’s Bay.
If you have installed a meter because of the Government regulations, you will have to take either daily readings, or weekly readings, depending on whether you live in a water sensitive area or not. These readings need to be sent to the council by the end of July each year. You can, of course, send more often if you want to.
If you have installed a meter because this is a condition of your consent, you need to check in the conditions as to how often you need to read your water meter and how often this needs to be sent to the council. The most common conditions require that readings are sent at the end of each month.
Click on 'Register' in the top navigation bar, fill in the page for registration and then push the Register button at the bottom. This will send an email to the council and we will email you back when you have been set up to use the website.
Once registered as a web user, you will be able to log in and enter your data.
For help, check our guide on how to enter your meter readings.
Our website will also graph your water usage for you as well as display river levels and rainfall information.
Most telemetry companies have a website where you can log in to see your water use. It is a good idea to log in and have a look as you can see if you are complying with your consent conditions for your rate and volumes. Many of the companies will also have additional information such as battery life.
If your telemetry provider does not have a website you can use the council’s website to look at your water use, but as the data only comes in once a day, this can be nearly 24 hours behind. The Regional Council’s website shows the total for your consent, and does not split out the data if you have more than one bore.
Not always. Sometimes your telemetry can seem to be working but the connection between the meter and the telemetry is not working, and the telemetry is reporting zeroes. The telemetry company does not know if you are actually using water or not.
The telemetry company will get an alarm from the Regional Council if the telemetry is not coming through at all. They prefer that you notify them so that if something needs fixing or replacing they know who will be paying.
You cannot change data that you have already entered and saved on the website. If you have made a mistake, you need to contact us.
Your login details are specific to you, so you can have as many consents as you like loaded to your web account. For example, you may have personal as well as work consents, and these can all be loaded to your single login.
The Regional Council can set you up with ‘read only’ access so that you can go online and check whether the lessee is reporting as required. As the holder of the consent, the water use reporting is ultimately your responsibility.
You can ring Jo Rodgers on 06 835 9200 and she can create water-take forms that you can fill in and email to her, or you can print off, fill in and then post to us:
Hawke's Bay Regional Council
Attn: Jo Rodgers
Private Bag 6006
Napier 4142
New Zealand
No. You enter the daily readings on the irrigation consent. Then, when you have a frost, you enter the date, time and meter readings when you started and finished frost protection. This is the only time you need to put readings against the frost consent.
If you contact Pauline Campbell at the Regional Council on 06 835 9200 and have your well Tamper Tagged, you can stop taking water meter readings and we will make your consent as non-exercised. If you need to start irrigating again you need to contact us about cutting the tag, and starting to report readings again.
You need to check with your lessee that they have telemetry and GPS attached to the portable pump. The Regional Council also need to know the property is leased so that the portable pump can be set up with your consent. If you are unsure about the lessee’s pump, please get in touch with us, as we have details about which pumps have been set up correctly.
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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
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© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /