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Tell us what matters

Be part of Kotahi by sharing your vision for Hawke's Bay's environment.

Get Involved

To help us prepare Kotahi we will be undertaking several rounds of engagement. This engagement will include engagement on the values and visions we have for our environment as well as the outcomes we wish to see. As part of this process we are seeking your feedback. Following on from this engagement we’ll collate all the feedback and publish a summary report late 2022.

Kotahi engagement timeline


Between July and September HBRC hosted 12 drop-in sessions across the region and gathered feedback online from social media and the online consultation tool Social Pinpoint. This community engagement is an important first step in the Kotahi project plan development as it sets out what people feel are the prevailing environmental issues in the specific areas in which they live, work, play and whakapapa to. This engagement focused on what our communities value, what the big environmental issues are for them and what they wanted to see the environment look like in the future. Following the events, the data was compiled, reviewed and a report created to explain what we heard from our communities.

Find out more and read our community engagement report here.

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