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Information for resource consent applications for activities in the coastal marine area.
The Coastal Marine Area (CMA) is the area below mean high water springs, extending 12 nautical miles off the coast.
Before you apply, please read:
A resource consent is required for activities in the coastal marine area such as -
- Building a jetty or mooring buoy
- Constructing a seawall that goes into the coastal marine area
- Pipelines for outfalls
- Offshore fish farming
- Discharges into the coastal marine area.
More than one consent may be needed for any activity in the coastal marine area and our best advice is for you to have initial discussions with the Regional Council’s Consent Adviser +64 6 835 9200
The Coastal Marine Area (CMA) is the area below mean high water springs, extending 12 nautical miles off the coast (see illustration as example of general location).
See the Guidance Notes about the amount of information that is required for an application and your assessment of effects.
The Department of Conservation has management responsibilities in the coastal marine area, so in most cases your consent application will need to include a written approval from DoC. Parts of the Coastal Marine Area have been identified as being particularly important for conservation purposes, and are identified as ‘Significant Conservation Areas’ and extra restrictions apply. See HB Coastal Environment Plan pages. Contact DOC 06 834 3111, Conservation House, 59 Marine Parade, Napier.
Maritime New Zealand will need to be consulted with if your proposed activity involves reclamation of land, building of a structure or works within a harbour that may have an impact on navigation and safety. You can contact the Hawke’s Bay MNZ Office on 06 835 4889, NZWTA Building, Cnr Lever & Bridge Streets, Ahuriri.
Tangata Whenua may need to be consulted with as they have interests in all coastal and marine areas and you may need to show evidence in your application – please see ‘Who do I need to talk to?’ for more information.
The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement is a national document that provides guidance about how our coastal environment should be managed. Your application should include some comment about how your activity is consistent with this.
It may be necessary to engage a suitably qualified expert to assist with your application. the Regional Council Consents can advise you, telephone +64 6 835 9200.
When applying for resource consent for activities in the coastal and marine area, there are cases you are required to consult with Customary Marine Title applicant groups before lodging your resource consent application. Any resource consent application that has not followed the required consultation step will not be accepted by the Regional Council. The views of the CMT applicant group are relevant to the Regional Council’s assessment of the environmental effects of your proposed activity.
Please read the relevant guidance notes to assist you in filling out the application form)
Structures and occupation of space in the Coastal Marine Area
Discharges in the Coastal Marine Area
Applications can be lodged via email to the or physically to any of our offices, please check the front page of your applications Form A for full lodgement instructions.
Administration Form 'A' (editable in compatible browsers)
Application Form 'B' - Undertaking an activity in a Coastal Marine Area
The Regional Council does not hold any archival information relating to Marine and Coastal Area applications. Requests for archival information can be made to the Central Archives via their website.
General information relating to applications can be found here.
You can contact the Consents Advisor +64 6 835 9200 with any questions about the consenting process.
A resource consent is a legal document. Keep it in a safe place and check it regularly to be sure you are fully aware of conditions.
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© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /