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Cyclone and Consents Advice

Advice for individuals on carrying out work in response to Cyclone Gabrielle and compliance with conditions of consent.

The Severe Weather Emergency Legislation Act 2023 (SWELA) was passed on 20 March, 2023 and amended the RMA (s331B) to allow landowners / occupiers to carry out some works on private rural land and marae, papakāinga or urupā to relieve the flood and storm damage. This work did not require the usual consent. This provision was in place for approximately one year from 1 April 2023.

This provision expired on 1 April 2024 and national regulations and regional or district plan rules are once again in place along with the consenting requirements.

It is clear from our Recovery Survey that there is still considerable work needing to be undertaken that would have been covered by the previous emergency permitted activity provisions. The emergency provisions are again being reviewed and are likely to be replaced by an Order in Council and in force by mid-September 2024, subject to Ministerial and Cabinet approval.


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