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3481 AM92-01 ahuriri estuary management plan
Publication Date: 1 September 1992
Publication Number: 3481
Well before the Hawke's Bay Catchment Board became been involved in the Poukawa Drainage
District there has been debate on the shrinkage of the peat soils that surround the lake, the effect this has
had on flood behaviour, wildlife habitats and agricultural production, and the best methods to reconcile
the interests of the parties involved. The level of debate on the issue varied over the years with events
coming to a head about a decade ago with the development of the proposed Stage II ImprovementScheme
and subsequent Water Right (s). A persual of the literature does highlight the fact that the issues have
been discussed without much in the way of "detailed scientific" supporting evidence. This has perhaps
lead to the history of the protracted debate this area has generated.
Author(s): Chris e McGeorge
Publication Date: 1 January 1992
Publication Number: 2309
Mohaka River Gravel Source Survey
Author(s): Black R.
Publication Date: 31 October 1991
Publication Number: TS 91/5
The purpose of this study was to determine any immediate changes in water quality due to the diversion of Sandy Creek and to provide a data base against which long term trends can be compared.
Author(s): S Porter
Publication Date: 1 August 1989
Publication Number: 3612
Heretaunga Plains Gravel Resource Management Plan
Author(s): David McBryde
Publication Date: 15 April 1989
Publication Number: 2245
The Heretaunga Plains groundwater system in the Hawke's Bay region of New Zealand, is naturally recharged from the nearby Ngaruroro River at the
approximate rate of 5.5m3/sec.
Publication Date: 1 February 1989
Publication Number: 4062
For summer flow conditions, values of average water yields per sq. mile are given for sub-areas of the Ngaruroro River catchment.
Author(s): P J Grant
Publication Date: 1 January 1989
Publication Number: 4048
This Water & Soil Resource Management Plan (W.S.R.M.P.) is
designed to ensure the long term wise management of the water
and soil resources of the Tukituki River Catchment. There is
no statutory responsibility to prepare this plan. However, it
fills an important educational role for land and water users
and planning authorities. The plan also sets out methods by
which the Board can implement its statutory responsibilities
under the Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941 and the
Water and Soil Conservation Act 1967. These two Acts require
the Board to make provision for the following:-
a. conservation of soil resources and prevention of damage
to property by erosion;
b. increased protection of property from flooding;
c. promotion and control of land drainage;
d. promotion of conservation and beneficial uses of water;
e. allocation of natural water;
f. maintenance of water quality standards;
g. promotion and control of the multiple use of water;
h. preservation and protection of the wild, scenic and
other natural characteristics of rivers, streams and
Author(s): JE Ludecke
Publication Date: 1 October 1988
Publication Number: 2285
This report covers the investigations and design work carried out by the Boards Chief Design Engineer Mr G. Williams, who assisted by other Board staff, re-assessed the physical characteristics of the river, considered the methods of design and construction of the current scheme works and identified the most effective and cost efficient means to provide a high standard of flood protection to approximately 22,500 ha of developed land on the Heretaunga Plains.
Author(s): GJ Williams
Publication Date: 1 August 1987
Publication Number: 4449
Report by Gary Williams 1985
Author(s): Gary Williams
Publication Date: 1 August 1985
Publication Number: 4551
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